5 Reasons Getting a Phony Diploma is Worthwhile

An estimated 90% of US adults have at least one diploma under their belt. These real diplomas can remind us of our accomplishments, help us to unlock job opportunities, and more. What about phony diplomas?

While a phony diploma has its limitations, it also opens up possibilities that real diplomas don’t. We’re talking gag gifts, inspirational decorations, believable props, and more.

If you’ve been thinking about ordering phony diplomas online but can’t quite justify the purchase, you’re in the right place. 

Read on to learn five compelling reasons to buy your own phony diploma today!

1. A Phony Diploma Makes a Great Display 

If you’ve ever applied for a job that required proof of diploma, you know that it’s useful to have your real diploma on hand and ready to show as proof of your educational background. However, many people also enjoy displaying their diplomas on the wall of their homes or offices. Do you have no choice but to keep taking your diploma out of its frame?

The answer is no! With a phony diploma, you can recreate your real diploma and frame the fake duplicate. That way, you can continue to enjoy displaying your diploma while keeping your real diploma on hand to bring to job interviews and more. 

2. Phony Diplomas are Customizable

While a lot of people do have phony diplomas made to look like their real diplomas, you can customize your phony diploma however you want. That means that you can come up with funny degrees or universities or create a diploma from a school you didn’t attend. You can also add all sorts of seals, decals, and other elements to your phony diploma to make it loo all the more convincing. 

This makes a phony diploma the perfect gag gift or inspirational gift for friends and family. Put your inside jokes on paper or remind a loved one that they can achieve their dreams. You can even make these silly or inspiring diplomas for yourself. 

3. A Phony Diploma Can Increase Your Confidence

What if you’re working hard toward earning your next degree and want to make sure that you don’t lose sight of that goal? Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that our hard work will pay off, and a phony diploma can help. By creating a fake copy of the diploma that you’re going to earn, you can increase an important quality called self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is the belief that we are fully capable of achieving our goals. When we have self-efficacy, we tend to make better choices and put out better work because we aren’t doubting ourselves along the way or questioning our ability to make the right decisions. By hanging a phony diploma with the degree that you’re set to earn, you can keep your eye on the prize and reassure yourself that the real degree is coming because you are capable of earning it. 

4. Phony Diplomas are Fun to Collect

There are some people in life that seem to be on a mission to collect as many degrees as possible. Earning multiple Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or even Doctoral degrees takes a lot of time, effort, and money. What if you wanted to collect degrees without having to do all of that work?

While you can’t pass off a phony diploma as a real diploma, it can still be fun to collect phony diplomas. Your collection can subsist of humorous diplomas or of diplomas that reflect the degrees that you admire. Either way, decorating a room or office with your collection of phony diplomas is a great way to show off your interests or humor without having to put in the work or money to keep returning to school. 

5. Phony Diplomas are Realistic 

We know what you’re thinking: you can customize a phony diploma to match your real one or to have a little fun. Will it look like the real deal, or will you have an obviously fake diploma hanging on your wall? The good news is that phony diplomas are quite realistic. 

As a result, they do make for good replacement displays, but they also make for great props. Whether you’re filming a web series, producing a movie, or putting on a play, you can use a phony diploma to round out your character’s accomplishments and background. With such a realistic diploma, your audience will be able to suspend their disbelief and feel connected to the character.

Is a Phony Diploma Legit?

Now that we’ve talked about the many benefits of buying a phony diploma online, it’s important to talk about one last thing. Is a phony diploma legit? It looks real, so can you use it in place of a real diploma?

Keep in mind that having a realistic-looking diploma doesn’t take the place of having a real diploma. Using a diploma that doesn’t reflect your actual educational background to get a job is not legal, because it constitutes dishonesty about your credentials. Make sure that when you buy a phony diploma of your own, you use it in ways that won’t get you into any trouble.

Get a Quote for Your Phony Diploma Design Today

A phony diploma is great for many things, from having a display duplicate of your real diploma to giving your characters a realistic prop. Now that you know why phony diplomas are a great investment, it’s time to find out more about ordering one of your very own.

To get started, contact us and tell us about what you have in mind, from the type of diploma to any extra features you want it to have. We’ll send back a free quote so that you can make an informed decision about your purchase.