How Long Does It Take To Get a Replacement Diploma from High School? 

Getting a replacement high school diploma is necessary if you have lost yours. Without it, you will lack a pivotal document that proves your achievement of secondary education. Your high school diploma is one of the documents necessary for a job application or as part of your credentials for college admissions. 

With so many transcripts and records in transit, don’t be surprised if the process of getting a replacement diploma takes time. In some cases, it can take a few days. However, in most cases, it takes weeks. 

Indeed, it’s confusing to think that getting a replacement diploma takes weeks. Here are some of the factors that come into play for the delay: 

Record Verification Takes Time

With most schools these days adopting digital record-keeping, the record verification process should not take too long. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes, schools see mismatched information, causing the school to need more verification time. In other situations, the system can malfunction. 

In short, the record verification process and the time that goes into managing unforeseen record-related issues can be the reasons for late diplomas. 

Courier-Related Issues Can Result in Diplomas Being Lost in Transit

The courier delivering your diploma is outside of your high school’s control. At times, diplomas can get lost in the mail as millions go in transit weekly. 

You can ask your school for their preferred courier. If you have issues with their service, you can ask if the school would be open to using a different delivery service. You may also be able to pick up your replacement diploma in person.

The High School May Have Changed Its Record-Keeping Practices

This is related to the first factor mentioned. With digital record-keeping growing in popularity, more schools are making the shift. However, any transition will take time. In other words, it can take a while for a school to fully digitalize its records. 

If you happened to request your diploma during this period, you will likely receive a copy much later than you think. With that in mind, you can inquire about any ongoing transitions your high school plans to make when requesting your diploma. 

What To Do If You Need Your Diploma ASAP: Order a Fake Diploma

A fake diploma might seem like a bad idea. However, if you are ordering one to replace one that you lost, it is not illegal. Your fake diploma can serve as a proxy until you receive yours in the mail. Because your credentials are indeed legitimate, there will be no problems if your employer or college verifies your graduation. 

Of course, a fake diploma works best if it closely resembles your actual high school diploma. Order a fake diploma from a company that not just ships your diploma fast but makes it with the greatest attention to detail. 

Reach out now for a diploma made with detail and shipped with speed.
