What Can You Do With a Fake Novelty High School Diploma?

Diplomas are coveted, hard-earned documents that serve as a marker of someone’s educational achievement. For many, getting one is their proudest moment. Because of this, some people look down on the idea of fake high school diplomas. Others will even stay away from them, fearing that they’d get in legal trouble. But like other things in life, fake diplomas shouldn’t be taken too seriously. These are novelty items that serve a purpose, some more surprising than others. Read on to see some examples.

As Props for Projects

Both amateurs and professionals will need fake diplomas for their shoots. Whether they’re for videos or photoshoots, these props are needed to mimic the real documents. You can’t bring the legitimate diploma to a shoot, right? And of course, the fake ones can be used for whatever the scene requires. Need something torn up by character? Done. What if you need a whole bunch for a mock graduation ceremony? The possibilities are endless.

Harmless Pranks for Friends

Pranking is as old as civilization itself, and we’ve found new ways over the centuries to play games with another person. Fake high school diplomas are one excellent way to prank someone. All it takes is a good imagination and some creativity.

For example, when April Fools comes, you can get a realistic diploma for someone with a degree. Then, you can “accidentally” damage or destroy it in front of that person. Watch them panic and freak out before they realize it’s been a decoy all along! Be sure to capture it on video.

Substitute for Lost Diplomas

We’ve all been there. In the midst of all the clutter, we lose something important. Diplomas are susceptible to this given how they’re small and can easily fall behind cabinets or drawers. Worse, you might’ve lost it because of some accident or disaster, like parts of your house burning down. Okay — that’s an extreme scenario. But still, fake high school diplomas are a great substitute for those who still want to have one displayed while they wait to receive another copy from their school.

Motivate Your Loved Ones

Research has shown that 40% of people who attend college drop out and never graduate. That’s almost half! While we cannot control the factors that result in dropouts, we can provide motivation and support for those who are on the brink of it. One novel way to inspire a friend or family member to finish their studies is with a fake diploma. Seeing their name on the piece of parchment might encourage them to try harder to get the real thing!

As Giveaways

Whether it’s an office event or a fun party with friends, you can use fake awards. You can customize these to say whatever — a made-up university, a fake degree program, even a name that your friend doesn’t like to use. It’s a great way to express your appreciation and love for them, even if it does earn you a few groans.

Final Thoughts

Need a fake high school diploma for pranks or parties? We’ve got you covered! We’ll customize these according to your instructions while still delivering something that looks and feels like the real thing! 


  1. https://diplomamakers.com/blog/novelty-diploma-ideas/
  2. https://blog.phonydiploma.com/2021/05/7-original-uses-for-a-novelty-diploma/
  3. https://diplomamakers.com/blog/fake-degrees/
  4. https://educationdata.org/college-dropout-rates